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Organic Splash



Cody Dietz

Certified Holistic Nutritionist &
Personal Trainer

I started Organic Splash to help others live a better, healthier lifestyle through nutrition. In a world that is so fast-paced, it can be extremely difficult to focus on nutrition due to time and lifestyle restraints, lack of knowledge when it comes to food, and other restraints.

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Meal Plan

A designated meal plan based off of your nutritional needs and goals. Individuality is key!

Workout Program

A designated workout program 

based off of your fitness needs and goals.

Nutrition Analysis

Learn what to look for in nutritional labels, ingredients, portion sizes, ways to save money, and much more!


Vegan recipes that are non-mucus and non-acid forming that may help with the healing process and bettering your overall health. Less is more when it comes to food and ingredients. When something is in its purest form, the benefits are endless!



"Cody has helped me put myself in the right mind set to focus not only on my health, but have a better lifestyle. He has sat down with me to talk about more than just food prep, he also tried to help me with my mental health. We talked about what I could do to help fight my insecurities and to build up my self esteem with weight loss. He has done a lot already with the short amount of time we have met. Thank you Cody for everything!"

-Esai Sanchez

Fruit and Granola
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